
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Pets in my family of origin (and others)

For 52 Ancestors, 52 Weeks, suggested meme: "PETS," and Sepia Saturday, suggested meme: "Crawl"

Oh! You mean the pets of my ancestry, or at least sepia photos of early days in my life. OK, I can do something if I search and search...

The Hillyer's of Michigan lived on a farm, and had at least one dog as a pet. This is my ex-hubby's family. I think the dog in the photo with the sailor was named Pete. And the sailor, Louis Hillyer was my ex's grandfather.

Our first pet, Spot. He was just a puppy, but we didn't know about walking him several times a day...vs. the newspaper thing. And my parents wouldn't very well let us go out downstairs on the sidewalk in St. Louis without one of them accompanying us. So we didn't have Spot very long.

We had a big dog, which was supposed to be good with children, but he didn't like being closed up in the apartment while we were at school. So that also didn't last long.

Then we got little calico cat, Jenny, or Jenifer. She was mostly my cat, and we moved to a house by the time she had her one litter of kittens. One of them became my sister's cat Panda. She also had one litter. I don't know what happened to her, but Jenny was with me until I married and moved away leaving her with my parents. My parents didn't believe in doctors, nor veterinarians except to get female cats spayed. So she disappeared many years later, and my parents never said anything about it.

By then I had adopted our first dog, Bingo, a black cocker spaniel, (didn't work out) and then another, a Keeshond, (didn't work out) and then finally cats. I'm just not a dog person. Something about not wanting to go for a walk twice a day, might have something to do with it! I'm a fair weather walker.

But I do have more photos of some cats more recently in my life (mine and others) be shown on another blog.

This week's Sepia Saturday

I guess all those little four legged pets were in about the same position as these children.

Also sharing with Saturdays Critters! 

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks prompt this week is Pets. Mine and other's contributions are at FB Generations Cafe' - which I just noticed is a group for members only. Can't say I like that at all!

Next week's pompt is Bald! I have several applicants for that post.


  1. I don't do well with pets either.

    1. Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that. I do like cats pretty much. And will meet dogs who are friendly.

  2. Hello,
    I enjoyed your family photos and to see all the pets. I am a dog lover, even though I do not own a dog now. Cute photo of you , your sibling and Spot. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. It was nice to finally have a critter post for your Saturday critters. Somehow I never missed having pictures of pets, or birds or dogs, until looking for some to share.

  3. I love seeing the old photos and your pets. I love dogs and had some special dogs growing up. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I'm so glad to hear you had special dogs when growing up. Many of my friends also had that experience. Same to you...enjoy what's left of the weekend.

  4. Like you prefer to decide for myself when to go for a walk... ;-) I never had cats either. I partly blame allergies, but even without those I doubt I'd have had either dogs or cats or other pets anyway.

    1. I probably once was allergic to cats, then slept with them most of my life. So my sinuses adjusted, I guess! You certainly are free to decide when to go for a walk, and probably sneeze much less than many pet huggers.

  5. Nice post and congrats on having so many pet photos. I have only a few. My dad used to say that a dog was like a child that never grew up. Like you, he became a cat person later in life.

    1. Ha ha, loved the saying about the dog from your dad. He was moving towards being a cat person, and they are surely very adult...mostly queens of the house.

  6. When I was growing up the only pets we had were parakeets and goldfish. When I had my own family the pets became varied at different times. When I was first married we had my husband's dog - a beautiful, lovely trained Irish Setter. She was a joy. When she passed we took on a black lab who kept running away, so we let him go. From then on it was a combo of cats, a hamster, a white rat, goldfish, and parakeets (kept safely from the cats) - no more dogs. Now I just have my beautiful, wonderful Budgie (they're a little bigger than parakeets), Shakespeare - the best lovingest pet ever! :) By the way - really liked your photos, especially the one with the big dog and the sailor, your ex's grandfather. So sweet.

    1. Oh what fun to review all those pets in your life. I have to laugh at the lab who kept running away so you finally just let him! I haven't ever met a Budgie, so that's an experience to look forward to.

  7. I believe that pet stories, whether good or bad, are one of the topics that unite us. Everybody has one, even it's a tale of a brief sad friendship. My family has hundreds of such stories, many that are hand-me-down from two generations, that lets me remember names of dogs and cats when I spot them in an old photo. And their presence in a photo lets me easily date it since each decade seems to have its own guardian dog or cat.


Looking forward to hearing from you! If you leave your email then others with similar family trees can contact you. Just commenting falls into the blogger dark hole; I'll gladly publish what you say just don't expect responses.