
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Grandmother's recipes - maybe

 52 Ancestors, 52 Weeks: Week 49 (Dec. 3-9): "Family Recipe"

I can only say these recipes came from my mother. Not any grandmothers here, except I'm now one. I know my father's mother's recipe for fudge, but it's in my head, never written down. And that is the way it's going to stay. The secret Rogers Fudge recipe.

I've got a wonderful old book where 3x5 cards may be slipped into sleeves, and then placed in an appropriate index section. I must have been given it maybe 40 years back but kept my recipes in the little file box of 3x5 cards for some time, before finally filing them in the book. That's probably why the book is still in good shape...but the cards, well, just look at them!

Some cards are from my mother's cards, copied. Some of her's were from her Betty Crocker cookbook. Some were on her own file cards! And I also opened a library copy of a cookbook and copied some of those recipes, and never have cooked them!

As you can see, I slipped some clipped recipes into the sleeves also. This is in my Mother's handwriting.

Have you noticed a theme here yet?

Baking was my interest, in order to feed those wonderful children I expected to have. (Certainly not for my own tastes!)

These were typed by me, though I didn't have a typewriter of my own. Maybe when I'd been working somewhere I decided to get these recorded. I've obviously cooked them many times. Though I think Florida little critters may have contributed to some of the markings...which we won't think about, since there was already flour, butter and sugary fingerprints on them!

This is one of my favorite cookies. So soon I shall get a baking again.


  1. Those last cards look like pages in my cookbook. These days I have a binder and have scanned recipes before the pages disintegrated.

    1. Good idea to scan favorite recipes so they can still be used!


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