
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Life interrupts research

At least I am still alive. A week of continuing discomfort landed me in the hospital a week ago, and I received a stent on my artery right on the wall of the heart.

So I'm now slowly recovering. And not doing much else.

I'm thinking of those ancestors who still want their stories I'll be back.


  1. I'm glad you are still alive! Get well and keep telling those stories!

  2. Hope you getting better and better....
    you look happy to tell interesting stories of your ancestors

  3. Barb, hope your recovery is coming along well, and that you are back "in the pink".

    1. Thanks is THurs. and I had a lot of shortness of breath, but nobody knows what it is yet. Going to another doctor tomorrow.

  4. I hope you are doing well, or at very least gotten a little better Barbara. I am a descendant of Sir William Holloman and Celia Jane Thompson of wayne county later of Darlington. I dont know if we are somehow related but everytime I search your wonderful research shows up.


Looking forward to hearing from you! If you leave your email then others with similar family trees can contact you. Just commenting falls into the blogger dark hole; I'll gladly publish what you say just don't expect responses.