
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Hunting or enjoying the great outdoors

  Continuing the outdoor adventures for my parents and grandparents, started last week, here we have the Rogers clan going out hunting, or camping or just enjoying the great outdoors..

For Sepia Saturday, a post card from a park is the suggested meme.

My parents went to a park in Texas...Garner State Park, which is near San Antonio TX, where the Rogers were living by 1935. 

The Rogers family at that time consisted of George Sr., wife Ada, and 4 sons, Alex, Chauncey, James and George Jr. George Jr. was to become my father. My mother was with the Rogers on one of their trips before her marriage, and her name was Mataley Munhall.

4.21.35 my Uncle  Chauncey and my father in background with a lot of hair! and a tie? And I can't find where I got that date for this photo either!

My dad taking a slightly elevated nap, Garner State Park, 1937

The Civilian Conservation Corp camp, Garner State Park, Sept. 1937. As far as I know, none of my father's brothers (early 20s and younger) took part in the CCC.

My parents in 1937 in San Antonio TX

Skeezix, the dog, my father and mother apparently had fallen in love by then. Richey's Cabin.

At Richie's cabin, Feb. 27, 1937. My parents with guns, for hunting I imagine.

George (my father) by a river

In 1918 (my cousin Patricia Rogers has documented) my grandparents moved from Galveston TX to   Meadowbrook Drive in Fort Worth, Texas, where he was employed by the Fort Worth Packing Company as office manager. This began a friendship with the company Manager, Norman Dumble that lasted twenty-five years

"George Jr. hit a deer." (Dumble Ranch) (that's the caption that is included with this photo on Ancestry)
I assume he shot the deer. But there he is in a tie again, which fortunately he didn't wear on the camping trip in Feb. 1937 with my mother. I don't know the date of this photo, nor the gentleman standing behind him, nor the young man. Isn't it interesting to see all the bugs on the front of the car?

George Rogers Jr (my father) at Dumble's Ranch, 12/26/36

Today's quote:

The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality. 
-John Quincy Adams, 6th president of the US (1767-1848)


  1. Many good pictures & you matched a couple of them to a park - Garner State Park. My favorite is of your Dad taking a 'slightly elevated' nap in Garner St. Park. That "hand made bridge" looks a little shakey. I'd have to be pretty desperate to try to cross it. Gulp. :)

  2. From Scotsue - I loved the frame around your photographs in telling us about the activities of your Rogers family.

  3. I've taken a nap beneath a big tree but never up in one! Looks too risky to me. Your last photos have that reddish tone and grainy quality of the 1930s. The photo of your parents embracing in front of the shack with the dog is a treasure for sure.

  4. I thought he must have hit the deer with his car. That's always an unsettling experience and would explain the tie.


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