
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The August birthday family

 We start on the 12th, with Kendra, my daughter-in-law, wife of my youngest son Tai. She just turned... 47 years young.

On Aug. 16 my middle son was born, Russ Heym - he's going to be 57 years young.

Russ and myself at my apartment in St. Augustine, around 1997. 

Oh, he's sporting a greying goatee, so let's update his portrait - with Michelle, his wife at a soccer game in 2023.

Then Barbara Baker, another daughter-in law (wife of my son Marty) will have her birthday on Aug. 22 bringing her to great 61 years young!

A very good baker she has used this skill to establish a business out of her kitchen, selling gourmet Macarons at local conventions and shows in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area.

Next birthday is mine, August 23, and this year I complete my 82nd turn around the sun.

Sitting at the Tailgate Market each Saturday morning (well almost) in Black Mountain NC.

And the last August relative's birthday is my dear mother-in-law-sister, namely Joanne Naglieri, mother of Russ' wife Michelle Heym. Joanne's birthday is on Aug. 28, and this year she turns the big 85...which she certainly has not one hint of looking.

Joanne and Kate, our youngest granddaughter, taken in 2021.

I'm so glad to be bunched in with these wonderful Leos and Virgos...and getting ready for some other relative's birthdays in September. What's a grandmother/mother to do? Get the coolest cards I can find for everyone! 

I am skipping Hallmark these days! 

A bit of nursery rhymes on a "card" join my son Tai from his wife Kendra's birthday.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday!

Today's quote:

This universe is much too big to hold onto, but it is the perfect size for letting go.



  1. What a great post full of family August birthdays. August is one of our busy family celebration months, too, with six birthdays, and one anniversary. I love the wonderful nursery rhyme card. :)

    1. Goodness, and you have an anniversary too! Isn't summertime fun for all these great family members?

  2. We have only three August birthdays - and all are on August 30, my niece, my granddaughter and me! October is our busiest birthday month.

    1. Oh my, do you take turns who is celebrated, or do you all jam together and have a very big family birthday party! I've many relatives born throughout the year, but I guess the ones in my (our) month make them special. Hope you have a great birthday Kristin!

  3. Fun post, and my goodness -- so many August birthdays. Great to see your family down through the years. I have only two in August -- my twin niece and nephew -- so you have certainly hit the jackpot.

    1. Thanks! It's a fun ride, making sure cards are sent in a timely manner. I love how my sister-mother-in-law had her big 85th with all kinds of family gathering for a reunion at her home in St. Augustine FL, then she and hubby went to France where she met up with a friend she'd known years ago.

  4. I don't have any August family birthdays to remember and there are none that share a month. Many years ago my father was in a bad mood all day and at dinner my mother asked him what was the matter. He gruffly answered, "Because no one remembered it was my birthday, today." We laughed because it was only March 23 and his birthday was not until April 23. His face instantly lit up with a smile and he laughed too. Somehow, despite his military discipline. his memory got the months mixed up. My best wishes to you for a happy birthday next week.

  5. From Scotsue - what a lovely celebration of your family with such happy photographs. Thank You. You have given me an idea for doing something similar for my family with September birthdays abounding.


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