
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Poppy's Birthday Party

52 Ancestors
Week 8 (February 18-24): Family Photo

The photo of the most family members that comes to mind is this one for my Poppy's 72 birthday.

Gummy (Ada Rogers) wrote everyone's names on the back.  

For a long time I thought this must have been Poppy's 70th.  But apparently it was his 72th birthday party.  The cincher was that there's my little sis, Mary Beth in the front row.  And she's definitely closer to 3-4 rather than just 18 months old, having been born in Feb. '46.

My Poppy, George Elmore Rogers Sr. has been honored on his birthdates before in my blogs, Here and HERE.    You might notice in the first of these former blogs I was sure it was his 70th being celebrated.  But it's possible there are photos from 2 different birthday was a good reason in the summertime to gather at the grandparent's home.

So here's a tipped over version showing the list of people!

"Me" (Gummy, Ada Rogers)
Bill W - behind him (Bill Winslow)
Jane (Joan?)
Mrs. Herman (Virginia's mother)
Geo. Sanford
Chauncey (to the back)
Mataley (my mother)

Zulie (Zulie Winslow Semans, daughter of Aunt Jim))
Aunt Jim (Stella Swasey Winslow, Gummy's sister)

Billy S. (Zulie's son Billy Semans)
Sandy Wilson
John Barry Wilson
Suzie S.      Claudette
Barbara, Mary B.  Sandra

The people I recognize in the photo are myself (Barbara) and my sister, Mary Beth, my cousins Claudette and Sandra, my grandparents, (me and Dad) a.k.a. Ada and George Rogers Sr., Uncle Chauncey Rogers, and my mother Mataley Rogers.  My dad was taking the photo.  Incidentally, since you don't know which kid was which, Claudette is kneeling in the front with my little sis Mary Beth, and I'm right behind Claudette with my chin on my hand. Sandra is the blond also kneeling in the front, looking to her sister Claudette who is to her left. We all look like we'd had a Toni home perm recently!

And I don't have time/energy to figure out who the people were who were probably cousins or something that I didn't know!  But Aunt Zulie is one that caught my eye, so I want to see what her relation to me might have been. She's a brunette next to Aunt Jim, and I don't know for sure her relation either.  (No Barb. Go fix dinner, do not go into the rabbit hole after your ancestors.)

Wrong...a half hour later and I'd found the Wilsons were Poppy's sister's family, while the Winslows were Gummy's sister's family.

And I had another hour after dinner to find that Aunt Jim was really Gummy's sister, Stella Winslow. (How that happened I'd love to know!) Zulie Winslow Semans, who I did recognize was her daughter.

There was one son of Zulie, who would have been around 10 years old, Billy.
I don't know yet about Sandy and John Wilson, other children in the Wilson family.

Bill W was probably Billy Winslow, who would be brother of Zulie. Perhaps my ancestry records are wrong, but Gummy says he was with Jane, and I remember hearing her called Jane, but my records say her name was Joan.  Oh those Texans!

OK, George Sandford was really George S. Wilson, husband of Virginia Heuerman Wilson, who was standing by her mother.

Who was Frank?  He was Zulie's husband, Francis Semans. And he has 3 other wives (at different times) also listed on his ancestry site.  Busy gentleman, eh?  I don't mean to belittle having 4 wives, but that's not what I planned to spend my evening figuring out.

I give up.  This has been fun. And if I ever have time, I'll try to weave these people's lives through some semblance of organization.  In this brief time I found on Ancestry that Virginia H. Wilson was listed as having been married to George Sanford Wilson, and another George with a different middle name.  So there may be some records having to do with the wrong George Wilson. At least I know Sanford was a family name, and there is his picture with my family.

Hope you have a great week! See you next week, same time, same place (does that sound like a radio sign-off?)


  1. We called my mother father Poppy. The only posed group photo with three generations was taken on one of our Saturdays in his backyard. It includes My mother and her sister, me and my sister, my aunts 2 daughters, my grandparents and my great grandmother's sister who lived with them. I don't know why we never took group photos once the great grandchildren came along. I guess it was because we didn't all come over at once any more, just coming and going in smaller groups.

  2. The internet just kicked off for some reason. I'd written a reply to you, Kirsten, then it disappeared. Second try...glad to hear you also had a Poppy. I wish I'd gotten more time with mine, and missed getting to hear any stories from him (especially about my dad growing up.) My Poppy died the year I graduated High School, and so did my grandmother on my mom's side. I hope you've posted your 3 generations photo on your blog.


Looking forward to hearing from you! If you leave your email then others with similar family trees can contact you. Just commenting falls into the blogger dark hole; I'll gladly publish what you say just don't expect responses.