
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Friday, January 14, 2022

The families in the past

 I didn't get to know them, because I was pretty much focused on raising my own children. But my husband had a sister and brother.

Here his sister is in the middle of the front row, with her husband to our left and her (and my husband's) brother to the right. My husband is leaning forward to be in the picture!

My mother and father. I'm surprised to see him touching her arm. They usually were pretty unaffectionate in public.

The administration building at Principia school, where both my parents worked, and my sister and I went to school. It was for children of Christian Scientist parents.

These are a mixture of our parents. I'm walking on the left, with my husband's father next, then my mother, then my husband's mother. This was about a year before we separated. We enjoyed eating at a fancy restaurant called the Kapok Tree in Clearwater FL. 

There was always a wait to get seated, and the walkway included this air conditioned portion with more statues and palm trees. I guess the food was alright, but the atmosphere was the main attraction.

We were separated, so my husband and the children flew to be with his parents for the holiday. It was to be his mother's last Christmas.

I think my husband is looking around his mother's shoulder, who's sitting in a wheelchair. 

My husband's older brother being silly at Christmas in 1971. 

And our lives kind of split in two after that. The children would spend every other weekend with him, and usually most of their vacations. Like many divorced families, it wasn't ideal, but we went forward and coped with the changes as they happened. I was the one always on the move, while my ex lived in one house after a few condos.

But let's look at some old photos of those children on my next post!


  1. It's nice the children got to spend their grandmother's last Christmas with her.

    1. Yes, and I'm sorry she had breast cancer. Back then (early 70s) there wasn't much treatment, but even more recently, it's still a tough disease.


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