
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Third in a series of old family photos...not that old, but out of my past


This was our back yard in Connecticut one year. We had some nice times living in New England, going to all the historic sites nearby, but I admit I didn't enjoy the snow as much as I thought I would.

So we moved to Florida. We had off and on romantic feelings, as all married couples do. But we didn't stay together that long after we'd moved...maybe a bit over a year.

Hillsborough Bay, near the Courtney Campbell Causeway, is like a big bathtub most of the time. We had a little sailboat, and here hubby is rigging the sail. I have no idea who the little girl is in front of me, and I'm facing away. Youngest son is in the lifejacket by the boat. I guess my parents were watching my oldest son, and taking these pictures.

Speaking of bathtubs. This is us trying to sail without much wind. And I think by then my son had decided against trying this. 

 We were to learn that the nicer beaches were over in Clearwater and St. Petersburg, where the Gulf of Mexico gave cleaner sand at least, but still not often very big waves.

1 comment:

  1. The snow reminds me of snows in my past in Massachusetts and Michigan. When we moved from Mississippi to Missouri, me and the kids were outside playing in the snow wondering why the neighbors weren't out there. By the end of that winter, I'd figured it out.


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