
Events of importance are at Living in Black Mountain NC
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Monday, October 16, 2023

School Days of yore

Repost from When I Was 69 blog dated 9.27.18


Some old photos of my family and myself, while in schools.

 Great Aunt Margaret Miller taught high school Math in San Antonio Texas. She never married, but was my favorite aunt!

My sister, Marty Elizabeth Rogers Miller, in Principia Upper School, St. Louis MO probably 1962-3

 Myself in college, probably 1963 since I'm wearing John's locket ( who I was madly in love with and then didn't marry!)

My staff badge at University of Hartford, Hartford CT, in 1968. I was a staff assistant in the Hartford Art School.

A just discovered photo of my grandparents, George E and Ada S. Rogers, in St. Ann MO around 1956-58.

My oldest son, Marty in Cub Scout uniform, 1972-3, Tampa, FL

The Sepia Saturday gang will also be offering some historic photos based upon this meme....HERE.

The prompt includes this...
"Once again, it is school photograph time. Let us go outside to the school yard and line up for the photograph: smaller children at the front, arms and legs tied up like trussed turkeys; taller children at the back, sprouting up like supercharged saplings. And don't forget to smile! I know you might have double maths next, I know you find yourself next to the one child you really can't get on with - but at least make it look as though you are enjoying yourself. The best days of your life - that is what your schooldays are. You will be captured for history. You will be able to look back on this photograph when you are older and wiser and a chartered accountant, a painter and decorator, a nurse or - if you are very lucky - a schoolteacher like me. And even further forward in time, people from all over the world may look at this photograph and use it as a theme prompt for their blog posts. What do you think of that?"
"Please Sir, what is a blog?"

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