
My own life and my opinions are shared at When I was 69.

REMEMBER: In North America, the month of September 1752 was exceptionally short, skipping 11 days, when the Gregorian Calendar was adapted from the old Julian one, which didn't have leap year days.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

How is a Sharp related to the Rogers?

Again searching for a connection to someone I know I'm related to.  This is getting to be a daily pursuit.  J. A. Sharp wrote my grandfather (and somewhere I have a copy of his letter), saying they were related through Mullendore and Rogers marriages.

And I do remember we just found a James Sharp married to one of Cynthia Cannon Rogers' sisters, Rebecca (see yesterday's post).

So I've looked at all the 13 children (well only the daughters actually) of Dialtha Rogers Mullendore and her husband John, to see if any married a Sharp.  Silly me, I will now go hunt up the letter.  I found nary a Sharp among them.

Mr. J. A. Sharp of Sevierville was interested in ancestry and history, so I should start with him.

OK, here's his letter to my grandfather's cousin, J. Hayden Ross of Houston in 1954.

All the hand-writing on this letter looks the same, so I think it was part of the original letter from J. A. Sharp.

My grandfather had been part of a Ross household at times as a boy, since he'd been orphaned at 2 years of age.  So his cousin Hayden Ross was someone who knew the history of the Rogers family, and whose mother had also been a Rogers, (sister to my grandfather's father, W. Sam Rogers.)

James Hayden Ross, 1880-1961

So the answer to my original question is that J. A. Sharp says he was a grandchild of the Mullendores branch of the Rogers lineage.  And that means I need to check each of the 13 children...having already looked at the 5 daughters, but not having looked to see which of any of the13 Mullendores had a daughter married a person named Sharp, in order to have J. A. as their child.  Oh my goodness, isn't genealogy fun?

I find it interesting that J. A. apparently didn't know about Rebecca, because he says he doesn't have any lineage including the Cannon family. But then a cousin who didn't live in the same community might have been totally unknown to him.

And since a genealogist of the 50's may not be around any more, I want to see if Mr. Sharp had children as well.

I'm off to see what I can see, hi ho, hi ho.


  1. My dad also corresponded with J.A. Sharp. You are right - the connection is through Cyntha Cannon's sister, Rebecca.

  2. Actually, the Mullendore connection is closer for us, through Montgomery to Sharp. I haven't chased the Cannon connection yet.


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